Saturday, June 29, 2013

Back to the drawing board

My little neat-nick getting the floor ready for me to draw on

Floor plan to follow

right side

Left side
Today I got in the truck and drew out the lines with our floor plan.  Things didn't go exactly as I had planned because I only had paper and pencil until now.  As I walked the truck, and placed things, I realized that a couple of things needed to move to make this work.  I still need to tweak the placement of the bathroom facilities.  I will work on that tomorrow.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Bessie gets demolished, a bit

Finishing the removal of the roll door

New steering wheel cover

Roll door off and walls down to studs

Time to take out the garbage

Team work

Lettering removed and door cleaned.  Looks new!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Bessie starts to come apart

Boys start peeling off stickers 
Mac helps to remove screws that are holding up the plywood

Men doing what men do

Cleaning the cab

Roll door coming off
We got a very late start today, but I wanted to at least get started.  It took only 10 minutes of cleaning to realize that I needed more supplies.  Off we went to Dollar Tree to get some more magic sponges and dash protectant.  After a small side trip to get ice cream we were back to work.  I went through 5 magic sponges, but that cab is quite clean now.  Demolition has begun in the back.  The boys were so excited to destroy something without getting in trouble.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Bessie "Before" pics

2006 16' E350 Super Duty Diesel

If only the camera could capture the filth!

Clean slate.  Ok, not really clean, just ready to clean.

Photos by MacDalton

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Bessie is ready to get started!

Today is the day!  My husband ordered a new truck for our business to replace our old one.  It has taken many weeks to arrive, but it is finally here!  Now we can get started on our truck to RV conversion.  Cleaning it up will probably take all weekend.  Maybe more.  I am so excited for this project!

A little background on us.  We are a home schooling family.  No, we are not converting this truck so we can move into it and live on the road for the next 10 years.  Though, that could be fun.  We are using this project as a learning tool for our 2 boys, ages 8 and 11, who are dying to go camping.  Some may say that an RV is not real camping. To an extent they are correct, but to get me to go with them this is what is necessary.  The boys are going to learn all about electrical, plumbing, body work, cabinet making, and every component needed to complete this project.  They are also going to be my photographers and co-bloggers.  So please,  keep your editorial criticisms to yourself.  This is a learning time and meanness is not helpful.

Later today we will post our "before" pictures of the truck.  By the way, my boys have named her Bessie, so from this point on we will call her by name.  I know, cheesy, but it makes it more personal to them and they are all that matters.