Saturday, June 22, 2013

Bessie starts to come apart

Boys start peeling off stickers 
Mac helps to remove screws that are holding up the plywood

Men doing what men do

Cleaning the cab

Roll door coming off
We got a very late start today, but I wanted to at least get started.  It took only 10 minutes of cleaning to realize that I needed more supplies.  Off we went to Dollar Tree to get some more magic sponges and dash protectant.  After a small side trip to get ice cream we were back to work.  I went through 5 magic sponges, but that cab is quite clean now.  Demolition has begun in the back.  The boys were so excited to destroy something without getting in trouble.

1 comment:

  1. I love it. You are so creative. How did I get 2 creative kids? I can't imagine. I will be enjoying this from afar for a few weeks and then be home again to see the real thing.
    Love to all,
    Mom (Mamere)
