Saturday, August 31, 2013

Bessie gets beds part 2

Walls going up

First bed ready to go up

 First bed up

Inside one of the cabinets

Another view of our wall bed, being supported by a piece of wood until we come up with a plan to lock it in place when not in use.

 Kitchen cabinets... kinda

Bed #2 ready to go up

Full sized mattress that I will cut to fit two wall beds.

Two mattresses

Two wall bunks, for the kids, and two sofa beds, for the big people

Bunks stowed away
A lot has happened in the last week, as you can tell.  My life has been too busy to keep up on a daily basis.  Homeschool is back in session.  Bessie is coming along nicely.  We went to DMV to register her but were told to come back after she had been weighed.  We will do that soon.


  1. Came here through pinterest. What a neat project! Did you ever finish this?

    1. Thank you, Kristin. We are having a very harsh winter here in upstate NY. We didn't get finished before winter and hope to continue as soon as spring hits.
