Monday, July 1, 2013

Bessie gets closed up.

Raining all day.  Had to move power tools into the truck.

Adding insulation.

Mac measures and draws a line.

Grant cuts on Mac's line.

Insulation done!

Have to cut the fiberglass inside.  It's getting tight in here!

One piece of fiberglass up.

Cutting for the door.

Wall and door finished!
Aware that we had a wall problem I went out and walked the truck.  I do it a few times daily anyway just incase I get inspired.  All of a sudden it hit me.  We could use 3/4" foam insulation to fix our gap.  Carl agreed.  So, yet another trip to Home Depot.  3 sheets of insulation later, we were ready to get started, officially, for the day.
Unfortunately, it was a rainy day, and we had to move our constructing into Bessie.  Not optimum, but it worked.  We had to take a little break when the rain picked up.  Carl was afraid to electrocute himself.
After dinner the rain seemed to be back to a drizzle so we got back to it.  Somehow we had mis-measured for the door that I ordered, so now we had to cut out for the door.  It worked out.  I think it looks nice.

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