Sunday, July 28, 2013

Bessie gets her curves insulated

Pesky little curved ceiling

1/4" foam glued to fiberblass 

4 layers later and a wall piece up

Ceiling piece over foam
Yesterday and today we worked on getting the foam on the curved part of the ceiling.  I'm really hoping it stays but if it doesn't we do have a partial piece of hardboard over it, but only on the flat part.  Not sure what I'll do to finish the curve.  I will be using Metalaire ceiling tiles over the whole ceiling so I just may glue that straight to the foam still showing.  I had planned on gluing hardboard over the foam but the foam was having issues sticking and I just knew that the additional weight of the hardboard would have spelled disaster.  All except the back wall is done for the shell of the RV.  Tomorrow the sound proofing should be in and we can install the real flooring this week.

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