Saturday, July 13, 2013

Bessie gets steps!

Placing the bracket

Locking on the scissor steps

Woo Hoo!  Stairs!

Up and out of the way

My little goof ball!

View from above
As you can tell, today we put on steps.  I just couldn't handle the 2 huge steps it took to get in and out of Bessie.  I figured steps would come last, but alas, here they are.

It has not rained in 2 days but the sun is not shining either.  In order to cure the roof I will need 4 hours of direct sunlight.  Hopefully soon.  The inside is molding.  I can't wait to bleach it and dry it out properly.

A muffler and fuel tank are ordered and will be installed sometime this week.  Just waiting for the call.

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