Monday, July 1, 2013

Yesterday... Oops! Forgot to post!

Here is our new RV door waiting to be installed

Notice my foot standing on the board?  I am helping!

Rusty door opening.  Need to treat so we can build a wall for the door.


Freshly painted.

Looks good!

Wall going up.  Grant being a goof!  Notice the hammer is facing the wrong way?
Today we didn't get as much done as planned.  We started the day off with trips to Lowes, to buy fiberglass, and Home Depot to buy wood and other materials.  Carl's plan was to close in the whole back wall but it took longer than planned.  I insisted on treating the rust, so that had to dry, and Carl measured and remeasured everything so he would make less mistakes.  Like I told the boys, we are going to go very slowly and carefully and try to make as few mistakes as possible.  A mistake was made anyway.  The wall needs to be flush with the fiberglass at the top to attach the door properly and it is 1/2" off.  That will go to the top of our "to do" list.  We will hopefully finish closing in the wall tomorrow.

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