Saturday, July 6, 2013

Rain rain go away!!!!!

I have no real update to offer.  The rain here is relentless.  I need a couple dry days to seal the roof.  Until I do, I can not really work inside since it is so wet in there from so much leakage.

To fill my time I have been shopping for a grey/black water tank.  I am combining them because of space limitations under Bessie.

A problem was discovered when I was climbing under Bessie to measure for said tank.  We have a diesel leak.  We will plan on taking her in for service next week.  It sure explains why the fuel mileage has gotten so bad.

I had ordered two windows but when we received them we realized they would not work so I returned them.  I now have a best offer in on Ebay for 4 others but am guessing the guy won't take it since he has not replied.  He was quick to take my best offer for the waste water tank.  Guess I will have to go higher when the time expires.  :(

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