Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Bessie gets walls

Homemade slingshot
 Yesterday I made a slingshot so we could experiment with paintballs.  My boys have their hearts set with splattering Bessie with their favorite color, red and blue respectively.  I plan to seal it in with poly because paintballs are water based.

Test shots.  Works like a dream!

Experimented with throwing vs. slingshot.  Slingshot gave best even splatter.
 The slingshot worked better than I had ever dreamed it would!  Not too much membrane was left behind.  Easy enough to pick out when the time comes.  I will probably experiment on a piece of cardboard with our base paint, paintball splatter, and poly on top to see if I can really pull it off.  It will be so cool if it works.  Backup plan is to use short bursts of paint with a paint gun.  The boys are not excited about that prospect.

Looks like Bessie got attacked by bugs.

Hardboard going up on walls.
 We got most of the walls up today.  The only parts we didn't put up is where we will have to get creative with some insulation installation.  There is a slope that we need to navigate over.  Thinking of a few layers of 1/4" rigid foam with liquid nails holding it all together.

Most of the walls done and one ceiling piece.

 The first ceiling piece went up but then it was time to quit for the day.  We will work again Sunday if we don't have time before.

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